Passage to Zarahemla”

The Movie”

by Chris Heimerdinger

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Additional photos and information will be added as shooting progresses.

(Summer Naomi Wood)

(Moroni Kanekoa)

Getting ready to roll in front of the “green screen”

Leader of the Gadiantons

Christian Bell and Chris Heimerdinger in the swamp

Gadiantons, Gadiantons everywhere.

There are many “sets” in the valley.

Leeds Market
(Shooting always starts early in the day).

The cars just keep going, and going...

I know these are the “bad guys,” but these guys are great!

Shooting on top of the mountain

Northwest view from the mountain top overlooking Silver Reef

Southwest view from the mountain top overlooking Leeds

The valley really can be an eerie and mysterious place

Extra curricular activities.
(Yes it's real.)

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Another plug: Choice of Loves (The Book of Honor)

Copyright 2007 Kevin Lee Luthier

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